The ‘Total-Nanosafe’ Hybrid Conference is bringing experts in different fields related to the use of nanomaterials, nanotechnology and how these are related to different aspects of safety, regarding health and environment.

We will have experts talking about nanotoxicology, organ-on-a-chip, cheminformatics, public health and environment, among the main topics.

With this conference we aim to get a broad overview of the state of the art in the different aspects of nanosafety, to increase the interactions among the community of experts, providing the chance of sharing new ideas and generating new collaborations.

/ Submit Your Abstract

(deadline ended)

The deadline for submitting your abstract to the event TOTAL - NANOSAFE: From Molecules to Public Health is approaching!

You have until October 26th to send it to us and take an active part in this International Conference.

Show us your work in nanomaterials, nanotechnology and how these are related to different aspects of safety, regarding health and the environment, specifically in these topics:

  1. Nanomaterials Toxicity

  2. Cells and Organs on Chip

  3. Cheminformatics and in Silico Tools

  4. Epigenetics

Note: The ‘Total-Nanosafe’ online Poster Session will be open for the duration of the conference, providing information on research related with the topics of this unique conference. Poster presentations will be available to conference attendees in a PDF format.

/ Agenda


9h30 Opening and Presentation of the Workshop

Lars Montelius, DG INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory

Ernesto Alfaro-Moreno, INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory

Session 1: Toxicological Assessment of Nanomaterials

9h40 Keynote talk: “Inhaled nanoparticles and dose metrics: what should we use to predict toxicity?”, Flemming Cassee, Chief Science Officer at RIVM National Institute for Public Health and the Environment

Session Chairs: Hanna Karlsson and Nivedita Chatterjee

10h30 Advanced immuno-nanotoxicology goes FAIR, Martin Himly, Paris-Lodron-Universität Salzburg

10h50 Toxicological relevance of nanoparticle agglomerates and aggregates, Peter Hoet, K.U. Leuven

11h10 Coffee Break & Online Poster Session

12h00 Assessing the toxicity of nanoparticles – quick or complicated?, Hanna Karlsson, Karolinska Institutet

12h20 Improved methods for nanosafety assessment: towards multiplex and real-time monitoring, Vânia Vilas-Boas, INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory

12h40 Lunch-break

Session 2: Complex Cell Culture and Organ-on-chip

14h30 Keynote talk: Recapitulating complex human biology in vitro: Microphysiological systems and organ-on-chip technology, Peter Loskill, Professor at the University of Tübingen; Head of Organ-on-Chip group at NMI Reutlingen; Director of the 3R Center Tübingen; Chair of EUROoCS

Session Chairs: Janick Stucki and Vania Vilas-Boas

15h20 Lung-cell based in vitro models for toxicological purposes, Arno Gutleb, Luxemburg Institute of Science and Technology

15h40 Lung-on-chip applications for nano- safety assessments, Janick Stucki, Alveolix

16h00 Coffee break and Online Poster Session

16h50 Organ-on-a-chip to study cancer treatment and metastasis, Lorena Dieguez, INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory

17h10 Engineering spatially organized organs-on-chips, Liliana Teixeira, University of Twente

17h30 When nanosafety meets extracellular vesicles and organ-on-chip, Ana Ribeiro, INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory

17h50 Day 1 - Closing Remarks

Lars Montelius, DG INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory

Ernesto Alfaro-Moreno, INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory


9h30 Opening Day 2

Ernesto Alfaro-Moreno, INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory

Session 3: Cheminformatics and in Silico Tools

9h40 Keynote talk: Chemoinformatics in drug discovery and public health: progress and challenges ahead, Jose Luís Medina Franco, Professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, an expert in Computer-Aided Drug Design, Molecular Modelling and Chemoinformatics

Session Chair: Ernesto Alfaro-Moreno

10h30 What is Quasi-SMILES? How to use for nano-QSPR/QSAR?, Andrey Toropov, Instituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri IRCCS

10h50 The Roles of Artificial Intelligence and Computational Chemistry in Safety Science, Timothy E H Allen, Ladder Therapeutics

11h10 Cheminformatics-driven nanosafety: the active role of cheminformatics in safe-by-design nanomaterials, Eli Fernández de Gortari, INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory

11h30 Coffee Break and Online Poster Session

Session 4: From Molecules to Public Health

Session Chairs: Begoña Espiña and Ana Ribeiro

12h20 Risk assessment of engineered nanomaterials in aquaculture, Begoña Espiña, INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory

12h40 New insights in particulate matter exposure and its impact on COVID-19 lung manifestations, Basak Engin, Gazi University

13h00 Lunch break

14h30 Epigenetic evidence in understanding nanomaterial induced toxicity, Manosij Ghosh, K.U. Leuven

14h50 Female fertility- do Particles Matter?, Pauliina Damdimopoulou, Karolinska Institutet

15h10 The air we breathe, health and ageing from early life, Tim Nawrot, Hasselt University

15h30 Functional toxicology tools in nanosafety: application of genetically modified models for mechanism-based toxicity assessment of nanomaterials, Nivedita Chatterjee, INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory

15h50 Closing Remarks

Lars Montelius, DG INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory

Ernesto Alfaro-Moreno, INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory